Documents and Records

Richard Pappe's Confirmation Certificate - 1875

Richard Pappe was confirmed in Stotternheim, Germany in 1875. His confirmation certificate is transcribed an translated below. Handwritten portions of the certificate are shown in bold italics. Note tha the stamp at the bottom of the certificate says "Stotternheim," which is the village where Richard was born . The house where he was born in 1860 is still occupied and there are still Pappe descendants living a few hundred feet from there. Click the image to enlarge.



Richard Pappe

Ist am 21 März Palmsonntag 1875 in einem Alter von vierzehn Jahren
drei Monaten von mir confirmirt, und am Gründonnerstag
zum heiligen Abendmahl angenommen worden. Dieses wird hierdurch bescheinigt, und unter Anwünschung des göttlichen Segens zugleich der Denkspruch:

Ich habe keine größere Freude, denn die, dass ich höre meine
Kinder in den Wahrheit wandeln     3 Joh. 4.

zur gottgefälligen Lebensführung mitgegeben.



English translation:

Confirmation Certificate

Richard Pappe

is on the 21st of March Palm Sunday 1875 at an age of fourteen years
three months confirmed by me, and on Holy Thursday
received Holy Communion. It is thereby certified, and
under the wishes of the divine blessing and at the same time the testimony:

I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.   3 John 1:4

is given to a to a God-pleasinglifestyle.


[Stotternheim seal]


Confirmation Certificate provided by Sharan Pappe


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